The 50 Cent Effect
Can you believe what you’re seeing?
Yes, that is 50 Cent shoveling snow.
50 was recently out shoveling snow in his neighborhood. I don’t know many of the details except that it was sort of a publicity stunt and sort of having fun. He was taking pictures with fans and earning money (yes charging) for him to shovel your driveway.
I actually thought this was cool as shit.
50 hustles. Even with that Vitamin Water money, he hustles. That is commendable. Eric Thomas tells a story where 50 was interviewed on a movie set and he was also doing the soundtrack. The reporter asks, “50, when do you sleep?” 50’s reply, “Sleep? Sleep is for those who are broke! I don’t sleep. I have an opportunity to make a dream become a reality.”
When things get hard, do you sleep? Do you quit? What drives you?
The Camper Out In the Barn
Looking at that pick reminds me of being a kid and having my mom take me into town to shovel people’s driveways. I would go into town and earn money by shoveling snow during the winter.
Just me, a coat, gloves and a shovel.
All day son…no food, no mommy – just work. Even at a young age I had been instilled a solid work ethic growing up on a farm.
I remember getting back home with a pile of ones and fives in my pocket and laying them out to dry.
That’s real work. Those winters taught me many things.
Even though I knew how to work and the value of money, I still felt I was weak. I didn’t believe in myself.
When I was a kid I knew I was a pussy.
I was the smallest kid in the school (it seemed) and when I graduated high school I had wrestled 125 lbs my senior year.
Because of this I was always trying to be tougher and prove something to myself.
I used to go out into our barn at night, where we stored one of those campers you pulled behind your truck, and sleep in the camper in the middle of winter. I also used to train out in our garage during those winters with a wood stove while Led Zeppelin played on vinyl. Can you see me out there, pitch black outside, jump roping to “Whole Lotta Love” haha
Because I thought it would make me tougher.
I’m not saying everyone needs to go sleep in a barn in the dead of winter to be tough, I’m just saying we need to teach a mindshift to the people who we influence. It could be our kids, our friends or even the athletes we train.
“I need to get that extended warranty for the low, low price of….on the house.”
Low, low price of on the house?
For free?
Nothing is free.
Zach (Even-Esh) talks about the pussification of Amercia and he is right.
Some people might try to get stuff for free by not working for it. For example, some athletes ask you “What else do I have to do until we’re done?” These are the same players who want to be star athletes. Get the praise and the glory without the work.
This is unacceptable.
They should be asking “What else can I do, because I’m not leaving this weight room until I have done everything in my power to be the best I can be?!”
I’m tired of people taking the easy way out.
You might know that training partner who isn’t giving you their all. That athlete that is just doing enough to get by. That person at work that always is late with their work or doesn’t get into trouble for having everyone cover for them.
2011 is a new year and this will not be you.
Don’t be the person who just gets by, be the person who inspires
Don’t be the person who isn’t packing their meals, be the person who plans ahead.
Don’t be the person who complains about what you can’t do, what you don’t have, why you aren’t making gains, be the person who drives hard toward your goals and works harder than anyone else.
Do not settle for the easy way, because that is what most people will do.
Be different.
By Smitty on January 4th, 2011
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Nice. Inspiring. Probably a good workout too! But 35 degrees here so no snow shoveling for me.
I think 50 was doing his workout by shoveling 😉
Bevor we boght a snow thrower, we had one damn hard winter with lots of snow here in austria. Shoveling all day long. (When i was finished i could start from the beginning. I felt my back the next two weeks, that was hard work. I had to carry the snow out of our driveway. On one side is the house and on the other there is a wall.
(My dad is now 64 and i´m not always at home, thats why we bougt a snow thrower)
You are always motivational and right on the point.
I always see those people in the gym, who are only doing the easy way and don´t make gains.
And when you are hard working, kicking your Ass without fuzzy maschines, they look at you as if you are some kind of alien.
I like that, it motivates me because i know they want to be like me. 🙂
I have a friend who just went in the service (you met him at the NH seminar). He has been busting his butt for 6 months to get in shape with the overall goal of being the best in boot camp. He plans on doing everything to stand out during boot camp. Others who have been through boot camp told him not to volunteer for anything. Not volunteer? He plans on doing the opposite including taking every opportunity to go above and beyond. He plans on doing extra training while others rest. He wants to be a Ranger and that will take every part of him committing fully and he knows that. This is an uncommon attitude these days. The cool thing is I got to be part of his training these last few months. I taught him everything I know about Strength and conditioning. We not only went to the gym a regular basis to Deadlift, Squat, and Bench (among other things) but we would also bust out the prowler and tire(s) and sandbags etc. and have a great time at my house. But really it goes back to you, Smitty, and Zack E., Elliott H, Joe H., Jason F. because everything I learned I got from you guys. I don’t have anyone around here to train me or to train with. Sometimes you just have to go it alone and this point in my life that is fine with me. As Zack says “built your own dungeon” and that is exactly what I am in the middle of doing with my garage. Anyhow, my friend Paul thanks you. I thank you as well. Like you said it is about community. You shared with me and I passed it on. FYI he gained 10 lbs of muscle while staying very lean and improved in every area. He said he learned more about training then he had any idea even existed. Anyhow thought you would like to know …
Smitty – As you know I have 3 boys and the 15 and 12 yr old work out with me both in the gym and also out on the field. While we are working out in the snow, rain, heat, etc. I am constantly telling them that their friends are at home in front of the TV getting soft, while they are becoming better young men and athletes. As a majority we are soft as a nation and that starts at home. Thanks for sharing and be well!
@Don, thanks for the note and sharing!
Hard work is something that is taught visually (from parents/family) and then is taught through parents belief systems, it’s a trait that can be learnt or as someone told me “it’s a CHOICE”!
I started teaching my boy to wash the dishes at age 5!! He’s now almost 8, I get all his mates to do dishes when they come and stay because that’s how we function as a family, everyone does there bit for everyone to benefit!! I’m already teaching my almost 2yr old girl to pick her shit up after she plays with her toys!!
Laziness is always the easiest option, it’s human nature! So surround yourself with people who work more then they talk!!
Great post bro!!
@Spida, thanks bro!
Smitty, I am trying to instill this type of character into my 2 boys, but it is tough in today’s environment for sure. I was always a hard worker as a youth but it’s not there (in society) as a rule now…but I’m working on it with them.
One incredible story I read regarding work ethic centered on Michael Irvin in the book ‘Boys Will Be Boys’ by Jeff Pearlman. I was not a 90’s Dallas fan and am not an Irvin fan per se, but that dude came from NOTHING and worked his @__ off and yes, partied hard — real hard — but showed up before everyone and left after everyone when he trained and practiced. He was like a machine, apparently, and refused to let anyone around him slack off. Anyway, an interesting read if you ever get the chance. It did change my perspective of his character somewhat.
@Todd, it is an ongoing process, keep working brother
“I need to get that extended warranty for the low, low price of….on the house.”
Hahaha Smitty I pissed myself after I saw this.. Probably one of the funniest parts of the 40 year old virgin!
Anyway on a serious note- I can’t tell you how inspiring this post is! 50 shoveling snow?? Crazy stuff.. I figure I need to step my game up!
Kill it Matt!
Your personal story is awesome and inspiring. I want to turn my life around this year. I haven’t given everything I have everyday. This year will be different.
Do it bro. Every day make a small change.
right on brother! Pumped!
Although I don’t like 50, I respect him. Thanks for inspiring post. Motivated by you and Kayne West- Stronger! Keep up good work bro!
The planning and goal setting has been a big help for me. The simple act of keeping a workout journal and a food journal makes a difference. It only takes a couple of minutes each day. Fancy forms aren’t necessary. Hell, I use 50 cent (no pun intended) spiral notebooks. And I am not embarrassed to carry my notebook around the gym with me. Anyone who thinks that is lame is a jerk anyway.
Thanks, Jim, for your great work. I really enjoy your stuff.
Be the person who plans ahead, who inspires others, who works hard than the other person . . . that’s what it’s all about and that’s my mentality this year and for life! Kick butt every moment, kick butt each and every day. What you think about most is what you become. Think like a warrior, be a warrior, and then you will become a warrior!
Thanks Smitty, you always know what to say! I know what it is like to have the hard work of a family farm, I grew up on one myself and still drive back and forth to help my old man with the daily grind. It gets tough and I have moments where I feel weak and just want to give up, but you always seem to have something motivational for me online when those moments arrive and I say THANK YOU!!!
Thanks dogs for 50 cent efx!!!