
Check Out What the NEW Diesel MASS  Program Will Do For You!

I know exactly how you feel when you put everything you’ve got into every single repetition, you never miss a training session, but you just can’t seem to get the results you want? Trust me, I know what you’re going through and I had to finally realize the harsh truth… “To get something you’ve always wanted, you have to do something you’ve never done.”

Over my last 35+ years in the gym, after learning the science of building muscle and gaining the hard fought in-the-trenches experience, I can tell you exactly what workouts are the absolute best. The training programs that always were the most effective for my athletes and clients, were the ones that blended heavy training (with low reps) and higher volume training with a variety of effective exercises. I call this a ‘powerbuilding’ program – because it perfectly blend powerlifting + body building.

Introducing, the new 12-week Diesel MASS program. Diesel MASS has been tested and proven with 1000’s of lifters all over the world for the last 10 years. It is THE program that redefined higher volume powerbuilding training model and taught lifters the importance of time under tension (TuT) and why extending the TuT for the training set can help to blast through training plateaus. I have tweaked, modified, and optimized the Diesel MASS program at every phase to make it completely bulletproof and to ensure that it keeps you pushing your individual limits. In each workout, every exercise, set, rep, and intensity is perfectly balanced to deliver ridiculous results and help you have the best workouts of your life.

From the comprehensive warm-ups, to the critical fillers, the super effective main exercises, the simple supplemental worksets, and the massive follow-along video library, Diesel MASS has literally has left no stone unturned.

Diesel MASS is the program you’ve been waiting for! Grab your copy today only at OVER 70% off.

NOTE: The NEW Diesel MASS program is a completely downloadable series of digital e-manuals and videos. No physical products will be shipped. After you order, you will get an email with your order link to setup your personal dashboard in order to access the program. You will be able to download all product components onto your computer – with no shipping costs! Please be patient, due to high volumes on the server, your email may take up to an hour to hit your inbox. Look for an email with the following subject line, “Registration for the Diesel MASS program.” Also, make sure you check your S P A M folder if you don’t see the email. The format for all e-manuals is Adobe Acrobat PDF, which can be viewed on Mac or PC. The video files can also be viewed on Mac or PC.