Diesel Strength Challenge #1 – Most Push-ups in 1 Minute
Diesel Strength Challenge #1
Most Push-ups in 1 Minute
Welcome to the first Diesel Strength Challenge.
Voting Closed!
Winner: Chris Smith
The goal of these challenges is to bring everyone together and support each other. We all love fitness and why not support each other as we try to reach our fitness goals? Below you’ll find all of the submissions for this week’s challenge.
Now the fun part begins. We get to watch everyone’s efforts and use it to inspire us.
I was truly blown away with the participation is this challenge and can’t wait for the next one. Everyone really stepped up.
We saw:
– Push-ups
– Push-ups in weight vests
– Totally suspended push-ups
– Push-up barefoot in the snow
– Group push-ups
– Women killing push-ups
– Feet elevated push-ups
– and much more
How to Vote
All you have to do is go down through the submissions and leave a comment with who gets your vote to win this push-up challenge. Because of all their hard work, let’s support the entries by voting. Everyone gets 1 vote and the person with the most votes will win the prize. If you were one of the entries, tell your family, friends and post on Facebook with this link to get their support of your video!
Voting Help
1. Who did the challenge the best overall?
2. Who had the best form for the strength exercise?
3. Who showed the most personality?
4. Who gave it their all? (the winner doesn’t have to be the one who did the most reps or the biggest weight, it could be the person you think tried their best)
5. Who followed all of the rules?
Most Push-ups In 1 Minute
Chloe Bermudez (29 Push-ups!)
Thomas Frey (39 reps!)
Sean Schicker (53 Reps!)
Charlie Shearer (57 Reps!)
Tom Robertson (60 Push-ups!)
Tony White (21 Push-ups!)
Kyle Farningham (42 Push-ups!)
Jeremy Belter (42 Push-ups!)
Ryan Christie (50 Push-ups!)
Jaime Rodriguez (40 Reps with 40 lb Weight Vest!)
Douglas Frasier (49 Reps!)
Chris Smith (40 Suspended Reps!)
Maximillian Kolb (49 1 Arm Push-ups!)
Tom Conner (66 Reps!)
René Frenzel (57 Reps!)
William Borde-Perry, MD (70 Reps!)
Daryl (50 Reps!)
Ethan Lee in some killer spandex tiger stripe pants! (24 Big Reps after 4 attempts where the camera failed!)
Jon Maron (66 Reps!)
Justin Crozier (71 Reps!)
Michael Malfi in bare feet, out in the snow!!!! (32 Reps!)
Kris’ Group Training Push-ups AFTER Conditioning! (40 reps, 31 reps, 50 reps, 61 reps, 59 reps with extra weight)
Mmuhammad Shahrin (54 Reps!)
Rohan Van Eeden (36 Reps!)
By Smitty on February 20th, 2011
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1. Who did the challenge the best overall? Maximillian Kolb
2. Who had the best form for the strength exercise? Daryl
3. Who showed the most personality? Michael Malfi
4. Who gave it their all? (the winner doesn’t have to be the one who did the most reps or the biggest weight, it could be the person you think tried their best)
Douglas Frasier
5. Who followed all of the rules?
We just need one vote overall brother. The 1-5 criteria just gives you and idea of some of the things you could think about when formulating your vote. Please just choose I person.
I’m gonna vote for Chris Smith and his suspended pushups. Those are HARD! Your body is having to stabilize you while your hanging there and doing pushups.
Maximillian Kolb !
Crazy 1 arm Pushups….!
Another vote for the suspended push-ups. I’ve managed at most 10 of those, so 40 in a minute is very impressive. That’s some commitment.
William Borde-Perry. Fantastic endurance. Steady Reps. He has my vote.
Maximillian Kolb, one arm push ups
suspended pushups 40 in 1 minute are you kidding me?????? I can bang out 21, then wonder how I’m supposed to get of the damn things. Nice job bro!
My vote is for William Borde-Perry. Commitment to form and strength!
I vote for Jon Maron.
Sorry about that Smitty,I would delete that if I could
Maximillian Kolb.
voting Chris Smith
Chris doing suspended push ups on the trx and a set of rings takes the cake. He could do all of what everyone else did too, by the way. Go chris
I vote for CHRIS SMITH! Those are really difficult to do AND he did 40 in one minute! That is real conditioning!!
Great job Chris Smith! Suspended? WOW! 🙂 My vote is definately for Chris Smith.
My vote is for CHRIS SMITH. Those suspended pushups are difficult and to be able to do that many in one minute is awesome.
I vote for Chris Smith .. The suspended push ups look hard and he did them well
I saw a 19 year old firefighter do 107 pushups in 1 minute this past week during a fitness test for the fire department. Wish I had video of it. It was incredible.
Chris Smith… hands and feet suspended, crazy!
Chris Smith!
Very difficult voting, many people did a great job and had great effort! Im going for the 49 one arms though.
My vote goes to Jaime Rodriguez. 40lbs extra weight must be tough
What fun! Everyone did beautifully! But I think that I will vote for Chris Smith. He might not have done the maximum number, but the technique slays me. If I had attempted using the harness he does I would have ended hanging up-side-down and swinging like a smoked ham.
I vote for Chris Smith!
Some great entries, i’m going with Chris Smith and his suspension push ups.
Chris Smith!!!!!!!!! Suspended push ups……come on, those are crazy hard.
My vote is for Chris Smith. Doing that many suspended push ups in one minute is amazing!
Jon Maron and William Borde-Perry!!!!
Easy vote, Jaime Rodriguez doing 40 Reps with 40 lb Weight Vest!
Chris smith is very impressive. Definitely dominated creativity.
Great effort put out by all individuals, but by keeping to the task and performing strict push-ups, I have to go with William Borde-Perry, MD. Justin Crozier did well, but his form was not as strict. And you have to give credit to Chloe Bermudez for being the lone female entry. Thank you Smitty and to all who entered!
Kris’ Group gets my vote for sure they did it after their workout and still cracked them out good
Go Kris’ Group good job they get my vote !!
Kris’ Group for sure they did it after workout and still cracked them out good !!
Douglas Frasier – At his age he could even pass the military PFA.
i vote for tom robertson coz his pressups were silky smooth!
I’m saying Jaime Rodriguez. I would love go against you with these! haha
Tom Robertson perfect form!
Yikes! Maximillian Kolb and the 1-arms!
I say Jaime Rodriguez. I would love to challenge you with these! haha
My vote goes to Tom Robertson, 1 a second is impressive and he maitained great form throughout.
I vote for Chris Smith!
My vote goes to Tom Robertson of Factory Gyms. Pectoral Implants seem the way forward’. Looked as if it could have easily completed 60 more!.
My vote goes to Maximillian Kolb
i vote Tom Robertson
I vote for Tom Robertson of Factory Gyms, hes such a Beef Cake! Id love to see his gun show!
am saying tom robertson
William Borde-Perry! Killed the reps and made me laugh. Congrats to everyone
Chloe for sure, what you guys dont know is she did that after a two hour run!
My vote goes for Thomas Frey, he showed alot of heart, and it´s harder to maintain your balanca with only one leg.
Maximillian’s 1 arm push-ups were bad-ass but i gotta vote for Tom Robertson. He followed all the rules and completed 60 perfect reps. Big props to Chloe Bermudez with her awesome set, representing the ladies showing more women should be strength training!
tough decision between jaime Rodriguez and his weighted vests push ups, Michael Malfis bad ass push ups in the snow and Maximillian Kolbs awesome one arm push ups but my votes got to go to Michael Malfis.Great effort for all those involved:)
My vote is for Jon Maron. Excellent form and unstoppable endurance.
René Frenzel FTW – nice nice nice!
Chloe for being the only girl brave enough to take you boys on!
Gonna have to be big dog Tom Robertson!! Perfect technique, no fuss or gimicks, job done!!! Respect to Chloe too for being the only girl in the race!!
Jamie Rodriguez definitely gets my vote Not only had great form but also a weighted vest and with his set up allowing for deep push-ups. Man you killed that Most impressive all around.
Tom Robertson. Great Technique. Maximillian’s is entertaining for sure, but Tom’s technique is better.
I vote for Jaime Rodriguez. 40 extra pounds that easily done is impressive.
I vote Tom, 60 reps with excellent form. Shout out to Chloe for being the solo female entrant, excellent effort!
Best Dude ever “René” the machine
Will Perry….go will
I vote for Chris Smith….Awesome Job!!!!
Chris Smith get’s my vote, while being suspended and doing push-ups, WOW!! Very hard to do because balance is in there too!
I vote for Jon Maron for quickness and form, and William Borde-Perry for pure insanity and determination! The guy who did 49 one-handed pushups should get first in the “most Rocky-like” category…
Oh, if you have a second check out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E29TJYZhnmg. I didn’t submit because we tacked this challenge on to the end of a max lawnmowers in two minutes challenge, but just for fun… Thanks!
Vote for Chris Smith. Good rep count on a high demand stabilization variation. Solid core strength
I’m voting for Chris Smith and the suspended pushups. Very difficult to stabilize while doing that movement!!!
I vote for Chris Smith.
I vote Jaime Rodriguez. The guy is Diesel
I vote Jaime Rodriguez
I vote Jaime Rodriguez. That guy is Diesel.
Jaime Rodriguez
This was my first entry but I took it away because 67 push ups body weight was to easy. I guess 40 extra pounds is less impressive. I will have to work harder next contest.
Frenzel Rene!!!
I vote for Max 49 one armed pushups pretty amazing
Thanks everyone so much for commenting and the great words!
I vote for Chris Smith and his 40 suspended pushups!