Diesel Strength Challenge – Most Push-ups in 1 Minute
Diesel Strength Challenge – Most Push-ups in 1 Minute
Here is the first Diesel Strength Challenge. Watch the video below and film your submission his week. Make sure you put your best effort forward. You’ll probably want to film a few takes in case one attempt is better than the other.
Remember, each submission will be voted on by the community. When all of the submissions are posted, cast your vote in the comments section.
Show some personality in the videos and use the best technique possible.
February 20, 2011 – you must have your email to me with the link to the video to info@dieselcrew.com
Here are the rules:
Film the challenge.
Rule 1: Must Rest in Up Position, Can Not Touch Knees Down
Rule 2: 1 Minute Time Limit
Rule 3: Use Good Form
Rule 4: Submit by 2/20/2011
Upload to your Youtube channel and use the correct title and keywords:
The title of the Video should be:
“DieselSC.com – Strength Challenge – Most Push-ups in 1 Minute”
Keywords should be “diesel strength challenge”
Submit your video link to info@dieselcrew.com
After your video is submitted, I will make a post on Diesel and the whole community will vote. They will vote in the comments and that will determine the winner. If there is a tie, I will be the tie breaker.
How to Judge
Since all of you will be judging all of the submissions, I wanted to give you some criteria to help you choice your picks for each challenge.
1. Who did the challenge the best overall?
2. Who had the best form for the strength exercise?
3. Who showed the most personality?
4. Who gave it their all? (the winner doesn’t have to be the one who did the most reps or the biggest weight, it could be the person you think tried their best)
5. Who followed all of the rules?
Prize for This Challenge
Your choice of any Diesel product!
By Smitty on February 15th, 2011
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That was really fun to watch, Jim. Great job. I am focusing more on push-ups in my workouts, and I think even absolute beginners can work them in. Why not start with our knees on the floor? Especially if we are older, significantly overweight, or both.
Scott, better to start in an elevated position than on the knees, even if someone is overwieght and/or older, your core will be more engaged in that position
Scott I agree with K. Definitely want to start on an incline position if you are a beginner with pushups, overweight, or just trying to build strength. Core is a huge component of the pushup, along with proper shoulder stability. Start on a table then work your way down. Give your self a number of reps to achieve before you progress.