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Essential Back Rehab Strategies – Category B – Strengthen Hip Specific Movement Patterns and Glute Activation

Essential Back Rehab Strategies

Category B

Strengthen Hip Specific Movement Patterns and Glute Activation

As a refresher, in Phase I of our Back Rehab Protocol, we established:

– What neutral is and why it is important to try and achieve this posture.  Also, what some of the common issues are and why many people can’t achieve this ideal alignment, i.e. immobile hips and upper back (Special Note:  We will address these limitations further in Phase 3)

– Why bracing is important and how and why it can be optimized.

– Why building static strength endurance is important to get muscles working again after an injury

Essential Back Rehab Strategies

In Phase 2 of the protocol, we will now introduce movement.  Not only introduce movement, but strengthen in these movement patterns.

The strength training movement pattern we will focus on is hip extension.  We will perform hip extension while trying to maintain a neutral posture from our hips to the top of our head and from our hips to our feet.  We will also finish each repetition in a neutral posture.  Category B will do two things; activate and strengthen the glutes, hamstrings and adductor magnus and reinforce bracing of the torso.

There are 3 different loadings and base of supports we will cover.

Exercise Category 1: Strengthening hip extension – supine on floor (feet and shoulders provide base of support)

Exercise Category 2: Strengthening hip extension – torso loaded (specific)

Exercise Category 3: Strengthening hip extension – trunk loaded (specific)

It is important that once we are able to move pain-free through a full range of motion, we start incorporating exercises that will strengthen and mobilize our movements.  Moving straight toward mobilization (and going overboard with hyper-mobility) will be setting you up for trouble.  Introducing passively (mobility) or forcibly (flexibility) new ranges of motion without subsequent stability (control) will leave you prone to injury.  So as we create and engage in new movement patterns, will will build strength in these movements.

Exercise Index

Category 1: Hip Thrusts, Glute Bridges

Hip Thrust VIDEO

Glute Bridge VIDEO

Category 2: Band Resisted RDL’s, Dumbbell RDL’s, Banded Good Mornings, Back Raises

Band Resisted RDL VIDEO

Back Raises VIDEO

Category 3:  Hip Extensions, Hip Extensions on Swiss Ball

Hip Extensions | Hip Extensions on Swiss Ball VIDEO

Note: I like this variation because of the lat engagement and the slight agitation during the movement.

Phase 2: Strengthen Hip Specific Movement Patterns | Glute Activation

Category A Exercises: Pick 2-3 exercises; bridges, supermans, birddogs, planks, elastic band bracing

Category B Exercises: Pick 3-4 exercises; hip extension variation, RDL variation, back raise variation, hip thrust variation, glute bridge variation

Volume: 3-5 sets of 10-15 reps, 60-90 sec REST between sets

Duration: 2-3 Weeks (or until you feel comfortable and strong)

Fat Gripz


By on May 12th, 2011


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Proud Dad. Ambassador of Kindness. Champion Hugger. Aspiring Daoist. Strength Coach. Entrepreneur. Author.

Comment (1)

  1. Posted by - Todd on May 12, 2011

    Innovative stuff as usual, Smitty. I haven’t done those glute bridges on the hex bell in awhile, and the swiss ball hip ext.’s looks like they would really work that chain.
    Thanks as always!

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