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I Am Scared to Death, I Am Confident

With training kicking up leading into Sealfit next week, I have doing a lot of reflecting.  There are times in our lives when we don’t feel confident, we have self-doubt, and we aren’t who are really want to be.

This is one of those times.

I can sit here and tell you that I am always supremely confident and never get rattled…

But that would be a lie.

I post a ton of inspirational videos and articles on Diesel because that is how I feel and that is who I am.  The posts are important to a lot of people and they reflect my mindset and who I strive to be.

But I have fears.

Watch this quick video to hear me talk about it.

Winners and Losers

The difference between winners and losers is that, even though winners have fears, they continue moving forward into the fear; into the very things that are causing the fear.

You have a choice.  When you feel fear you can stop.  You can hide.  You can go into a quiet room and ask your Mommy to bring you some warm milk.

Or, you can do something very different.

You can stand up, tighten your fists, and take a big stride forward smashing into the fear.

As much as those two critical decisions are different, so too are the outcomes.

If fear crushes you, you will hesitate and your life will be stopped; sometimes for many years.  You may never recover.  The same is true for not only the obstacles that are right in front of you, but also the things from your past that are holding you back.

As much as I fear Sealfit and the challenge of pushing beyond anything that I ever thought was possible, I am going to do it.

Acknowledge the fear and then deal with it.

I am not going to quit.

I am not going to give up.

I will finish with the team.

I Am Scared to Death, I Am Confident


By on September 7th, 2012


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Proud Dad. Ambassador of Kindness. Champion Hugger. Aspiring Daoist. Strength Coach. Entrepreneur. Author.

Comments (12)

  1. Posted by - Conor on September 7, 2012

    Love the motivation. The Tyson vid kicks ass!

    • Posted by - Smitty on September 8, 2012

      Thanks Conor.

  2. Posted by - Jim Thompson on September 7, 2012

    Very honest, human and real. You are going to kill this challenge man. I can tell because mentally you are ahead of the game. Fear is food for domination. Thanks for the inspiration.

    • Posted by - Smitty on September 8, 2012

      Thank YOU for the great support Jim!

  3. Posted by - Simeon on September 7, 2012

    Thank you Smitty, and best of luck next week!

    • Posted by - Smitty on September 8, 2012

      thanks brother

  4. Posted by - Alan The Cannon on September 7, 2012

    This is my first ever comment on any site ever, because I’be never seen the point or felt the need so I mean this when I say this, good luck, dig deep and stay strong. Its not just the other 19 guys out there with you, its each snd every person who visits this site right outcthere behind you too, kicking your ass and dragging you to the finish line and keeping you on your feet every step of the day!!

    • Posted by - Smitty on September 8, 2012

      thanks Alan. You should comment more brother. Thanks for being on Team Diesel

  5. Posted by - Josh Hewett on September 9, 2012

    Thanks Smitty… needed to hear that today. Was feeling like this all week… although I know I’m going to be successful in my endeavors, still gotta work on crushing those doubts. Getting out of your comfort zone can be kinda scary, eh?

    • Posted by - Smitty on September 9, 2012

      Of course Josh. Pushing out of homeostasis is scary but so is regret. Get busy living brother.

  6. Posted by - Miguel on September 9, 2012

    Smitty, you will conquer this just like every other challenge that has presented itself in the past. You are on a roll here and I can’t wait to celebrate this accomplishment WITH you. You inspire the people reading your work and make us feel part of the team. You will have 19 people with you physically, but a few thousand pulling for you in spirit.

    • Posted by - Smitty on September 9, 2012

      Thanks brother. I truly appreciate it. I’m ready to go!

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