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2012 changed my life.

And I’m not talking about a little bit.

Let me tell you about a seminar you’ve probably never heard of.

A link that popped up on Facebook, probably around midnight one night, about an upcoming seminar in NJ in April. I’m not sure how I found the link, but I remember wondering what the name was all about; so I clicked on it.

When I went to the page, I was surprised to see a ton of people I knew who went to the first seminar; I guess this was the second one they were promoting. I can’t remember how much it was, but it was ridiculously cheap. I was intrigued by what the video testimonials were saying and wanted to find out what it was all about.

So, I signed up.

Little did I know the far-reaching impact of what this seminar had in store for me. I can’t talk about what went on at the seminar because I think it is proprietary, but let me tell you this; if you want to literally change your mindset, your potential, and your life, I suggest you sign up for the next one. Unfortunately, I think they are only once a year and typically sell out in a day.

What Changed?

One of the biggest things that I got out of the seminar was a reassessment of my life.

What I was doing and what my focus was really on.

I found out that I was so intent on providing for my family that I was missing everything. I worked so much and was driving so hard, that I had forgotten who I was and I knew in the back of my mind, I was missing my children growing up. The common sound of me saying, “I’ll go to the next one”, when referring to an event with my kids was now, deafening in my ears.

All I kept saying to myself was:

I had to get money.

I had to pay for the house.

I had to pay for the cars.

I had to provide…at all costs.

At the cost of my own health, my sleep, my time with my kids; everything was going to hell.

I knew I had to change but didn’t know how.

During the seminar, I reconnected with what was important in my life. They taught me where my focus should really be on; my family, my friends, and helping as many people as I could.

This was in April.

No More Fears, Just Action

Moving forward, with every action I took…

I imagined that everything I did was for my wife and children.  When I did this, there was no fears or hesitation. If I considered them before any decision, I knew I would always make the right one. The absolute best one for all of us.

I could now act swiftly, tackle any challenge and see it through because I knew, that I had no other choice. If I was acting for money, then I might quit because I wouldn’t have that connection to keep going when things got tough.

This was the catalyst that changed my life.

I was literally operating on a different level.

Yes, I still had doubts, worries, and the sense that I don’t deserve success.

I’m human.

I still wanted to act in fear and be afraid.

It was an ongoing fight where I kept saying to myself, “act in strength, NOT in fear.”

As soon as negative thoughts would come into my head, I would drive them out and focus on my ‘why’ I’m doing what I’m doing, and something that is positive. I focused on how I was going to make someone’s life better and give them hope, give them strength and make them feel important.

“Student says: I am very discouraged, what should I do?” Master says: “Encourage others.” – Zen proverb

I knew by how my life started to change, I was on the right track.


Before going into a recent SEALfit challenge, my focus was on every member of the team. I didn’t want to be selfish and focus on my fatigue and personal challenges, I wanted my every thought to be on what each member of the team needed. And if everyone on the team did this, then I would have six guys focusing on me and they would have six guys focusing on them; instead of each guy focusing on himself. This is how any team is successful, especially during an extreme physical challenge.

Life, like SEALfit, is a challenge.

It can knock you down. It can be relentless. It can be really freaking tough.

Especially….if you’re alone.

Together we are stronger.  Think about how you feel when you know someone believes in you.  Someone is on your side.  You feel unstoppable.  You feel like you have momentum and this momentum will carry over to other aspects of your life.  You can find your spark again and be driven to your goals.

After the seminar, I knew the key to me being a better husband, a better Father, a better person, and a better friend; was to encourage others.

Remember, if you’re feeling bad about your life, there are people in the world who are happy, with MUCH less than what you have.

All you have to do is something I call Paying It 360. I didn’t want to only pay it forward to strangers whom I’ve never met. I also wanted to make sure those who were right beside me, supporting me everyday, knew how much they meant to me. And those people from my past who helped me get to where I’m at, they too, were part of it. Paying it 360 means that I let EVERYONE know how important they are to me – past, present, future!

Are there people in your life or people you used to know who would feel amazing just to hear from you? A simple gesture that doesn’t cost you anything, but could change their day, week, or life.

Karma is a two-way street. Make no mistake. If you feed it with fears, negativity, and jealousy, that is exactly what you’re going to be getting back. If you feed it with encouragement, support, kindness and forgiveness, then that is what you’re life will be filled with.

My life changed in April 2012 and will never be the same.

That could be you…starting right now.



By on November 10th, 2012


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Proud Dad. Ambassador of Kindness. Champion Hugger. Aspiring Daoist. Strength Coach. Entrepreneur. Author.

Comments (6)

  1. Posted by - ajit on November 11, 2012

    It is great, pure philosophical ! it is about mind over matter – loved it.
    Cherokee thing is about eternal duality which mankind faces right from the birth till death – in Sanskrit it is called ‘dwait & adwait’

    • Posted by - Smitty on November 15, 2012

      Thank you

  2. Posted by - Christopher James Perilli on November 14, 2012

    Probably your best post ever.

    • Posted by - Smitty on November 15, 2012

      Thanks bro.

  3. Posted by - Smitty on November 15, 2012

    Thanks bro

  4. Posted by - Ryan on December 1, 2012

    You really hit home with that post Smitty! Definitely a thought provoking and introspective piece of writing my man. Another great word that comes to mind with this post is Dharma which goes great with your post. The law of Dharma says that everyone has a purpose in life-a unique gift or special talent to give to others. To me this is part of the “Why!” Thanks again Smitty for the inspiration!

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