Diesel Strength Challenge #2 – 10 Pull-ups and Hold for Time
Diesel Strength Challenge #2
10 Pull-ups with Hold for Time
Welcome to the second Diesel Strength Challenge.
Voting Closed!
Winner: Jeannie Landis
The goal of these challenges is to bring everyone together and support each other. We all love fitness and why not support each other as we try to reach our fitness goals? Below you’ll find all of the submissions for this week’s challenge.
Now the fun part begins. We get to watch everyone’s efforts and use it to inspire us.
I was truly blown away with the participation is this challenge and can’t wait for the next one. Everyone really stepped up.
We saw:
– Pull-ups with chains
– Pull-ups with smiley faces made with tape on their back
– Strong women doing 10 full pull-ups and holding FOREVER!
– Pull-ups with Diesel cologne
– Pull-ups with thick bars and rope
– Pull-ups with extra weight
– and much more
How to Vote
All you have to do is go down through the submissions and leave a comment with who gets your vote to win this pull-up challenge. Because of all their hard work, let’s support the entries by voting. Everyone gets 1 vote and the person with the most votes will win the prize. If you were one of the entries, tell your family, friends and post on Facebook with this link to get their support of your video!
Voting Help
1. Who did the challenge the best overall?
2. Who had the best form for the strength exercise?
3. Who showed the most personality?
4. Who gave it their all? (the winner doesn’t have to be the one who did the most reps or the biggest weight, it could be the person you think tried their best)
5. Who followed all of the rules?
10 Pull-ups with Hold for Time
Tommy (25 second hold!)
Simeon Lang (26 seconds)
Adrienne Harvey (21 seconds!)
Mike Snader (26 seconds with Ropes!)
Richard Taper (37.8 seconds!)
Chris Smith (24 seconds with a 25lb plate!)
Kwesi Bacchus (10 seconds!)
Steven Lent (45 seconds!)
Micah (30 seconds!)
Shaneh Abbas Jaffer (19 seconds with a Smiley Face!)
Jeannie (19 seconds!)
William Borde-Perry (30 seconds!)
Chloe Bermudez (38 seconds!)
Daryl (25 seconds!)
Jonathan Maron (47 seconds!)
Travis Stoetzel (24 seconds with 20lbs of Chain!)
Steve (54 seconds!)
Steve Trapani (47 seconds!)
Gregory Jimenez (16 seconds!)
Randall Spaulding (30 seconds with Bulgarian Sandbag!)
Justin Smith (36.8 seconds with Thick Bar!)
Emil Justo (41 seconds!)
By Smitty on March 6th, 2011
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Chloe Bermudez is the champ of this Diesel Strength challenge!
Justin Smith with the Thick Bar wins in my book.
I vote for steve lent.
Adrienne Harvey, RKC of Giryagirl.com
I was looking less at the time and more at how much it looked like it burned. Chloe Bermudez is my vote. Every pull was from a full hang and she got her head above the bar. The funny annotation was a bonus lol.
Everyone did great though!!! It’s tough to vote.
Steve at 54 seconds gets my vote!
nice pretty intense but i vote for
Shaneh Abbas Jaffer
Shaneh Abbas has my vote!
I definitely have to go with Shaneh Abbas Jaffer on this one.
Mateen Manek
Shaneh Abbas Jaffer BY FAR
i loved the smile 😀
Shaneh Abbas Jaffer was too good!! I vote for him he should win 🙂
Shaneh-abbass Jaffer for sure! That smiley face makes it worth it!
Shaneh Abbas Jaffer (Mr. Smiley) destroyed you guys.
He gets my vote.
Shaneh Abbas Jaffer for being creative!!
Steve with 54 seconds, gotta go with the time and dedication to pull ups.
I vote for Adrienne Harvey
So many great challenges. But I definitely go with Jeannie! Full hang, chin over the bar, great effort!
Jonathan Maron (47 seconds!) is the BEST!!!
I vote for Steve Lent. Head above bar and he held for almost a minute!
Definitely Chloe Bermudez, she smashed this challenge!
I expected this to be a boring challenge to watch but it was actually pretty good. I’m going with Chloe Bermudez as the technique was good and the video was unique.
My vote is for Jeannie. Loved the smile on her face throughout the vid. Makes me want to jump up on the bar and crank out some myself. True “pull-ups” by the way 🙂
Great effort by everyone. Time to up my game! I’m going with Chloe Bermudez.
Daryl gets my vote. Happy Birthday!
Nice stuff from everyone. Time to up my game! Going with Chloe Bermudez – good to watch and ace pull-ups.
I vote for Jeannie
Jeannie Landis gets my vote – she looked like she was having FUN. Great form, fabulous strength.
Jonathan Maron gets my vote.
My vote goes to Steve Lent.
I vote for Jeannie.
Chloe Bermudez!
Oops. Didn’t mean to vote twice.
Completely biased, but I’m going for Chloe Bermudez. Everyone was very impressive, but especially the females! Wow girls, each of you was awesome!
Jeannie Landis gets my vote. Awesome performance!!
Definitely has to be Chloe Bermudez – great video and impressive hold time!
Got to give it to Chloe Bermudez representing the Factory Gym crew, great effort, great video!
Chloe Bermudez for the win.
Chloe Bermudez for the win. She has tiger blood.
I vote for Jeannie and her perfect form.
Awesome challenge on everyone’s part! Have to agree that the women showed off some awesome pulling power. My vote goes to Jeannie.
And a shout out to my buddy Micah who’s off to Iraq in April – you’re the man!
Chloe Bermudez is on fire! Well impressed on the hold time!!! Superb!!!
Jeannie Landis all the way! That was awesome. Great job Juana!!
I vote for Jeannie!! Way to go !!!
Steven Lent is awesome!!!
the women are most impressive. Jeannie was incredible… I vote for her.
Chloe Bermudez … what a woman!! and an amazing video go Factory Gyms
Vote for Jeannie!
I vote for Jeannie. Awesome power and determination. I admire that!!
My vote is for Jeannie!
My vote is for Jeannie!
Jeannie gets my vote!
Good challenge!!!! My vote is for Jeannie.
Jeannie Landis gets my vote!!!! AWESOME!!!!
My vote is for Jeannie.
Chloe for sure, beating most of the guys too!
Vote for Jeannie!!!
I vote Jeanie
Ms. Chloe Bermudez, if only for defying gravity!
I vote for Jeannie Landis.
Chloe – awesome form, great hold time, and best video
Shanneh abbas 🙂
Chloe Bermudez!! Doing it for the girls!
Chloe, amazing!
I vote for Chloe, amazing stuff
Mrs. Jeannie Landis is my vote!!! Looking Good…..
Chloe was all over it like a tramp on a sandwich! My vote is for Chloe!
for sure shaneh-abbas jaffer, that smile says it all!
Chris Smith!
I’m going with Shaneh Abbas. The added pain of duct tape removal should add some time to the hold 🙂
Even more time if his back was hairy!
I vote for Jeannie!
Chloe Bermudez for being the only person to complete the challenge horizontally. Incredible!!
Steve Lent 🙂
Randy Spaulding
I vote for Jeannie!! she rocked!!
Awesome job Jeannie. You make it look so easy. For other folks reading this check out Jeannie’s other videos on you tube. Incredible!!!!
my vote is for steve at 54sec
This is steve with :54
Thanks for the votes
I vote for Steve with 54 seconds, impressive.
Vote is for Jeannie. Best form and sunny disposition 😉
And the extra one for luck should be worth bonus points!
WOW! Jeannie gets my vote. Nice form and what strength!!
Just stumbled across this blog. I’m officially a fan. Love you guys.
I’m voting for Chloe Bermudez. The video was great and she’s very athletic!
Randy gets my vote man!
I vote for Shaneh-Abbas Jaffer – but I hope you use super glue next time instead of that soft duct tape! I’d love to see something epic like skin tearing off, or blood, etc.
All good, well done everyone
Why can we only vote for one? I’m voting Chloe Bermudez – the video was original, she had good form and held it for ages. [if I had another vote, it would be for Randall]
Hands down – Jeannie Landis! Who has that much fun doing pull-ups? She’s a real woman showing the rest of us how to do it! GO JEANNIE!
I’ll put my vote in for Chloe Bermudez. Good one!
Chloe gets my vote 🙂
chloe 4 me
technique + personality = bi winning
Steve Lent showed good technique and strength. he also plays good music. He gets my vote.
I vote for Chris Smith 🙂
i vote chris smith
chris smith’s video was awesome dude!
How can you not vote for Jeannie??? The extra one at the end along with perfect form makes it an easy choice
I vote Justin Smith
I vote for Jeannie Landis!! Perfect form!! she is amazing!!
Mommy that was amazing I vote for you.
what is the current tally?
I vote for Jeannie!
Jeannie please.
I vote for the love of my life, Jeannie.
I vote Jeannie. Sexy woman! I love you!
Jeanie was unbelievable in that! Every rep perfect. Unbeatable strength and power.
Jeanie blew me away. Not the best time, but a great friend. Well done Jeannie.
Some of these comments are actually more entertaining than the videos. Thanks for the votes folks, but I’m actually voting for Steve (with 54s) – that was tremendous dude! And you don’t look light! haha
I vote for Steve Lent. 45 secs WOW
Cool Blog! I’m voting for Chloe Bermudez. I like the video.
I’m highly amused too Chloe 🙂 I’m voting for Chloe – awesome power and your video made me smile
Steve the pull-up master
Chloe Bermudez, no question 🙂
I should have did the video with my son in my lap the whole time. I might have not gotten 54 seconds though.
I vote for 54-second Steve
Vote for Steve 54 seconds! Whoo hoo!
I vote for Steve with 54 seconds
Steve with 54 seconds.
I vote for Steve (Extremistpullup) with 54 seconds.
steve @ 54sec
Chloe gets my vote!
JEANNIE…. you are a machine!!!!
Jeannie gets my vote! Perfect form. She makes it look easy.
My arms hurt just watching the video… you are awesome!
Jeannie for sure! Great energy, attitude and strength! AWESOME!
One more for good luck. I vote for Jeannie!
Adrienne Harvey!!!
I vote for Adrienne!!
Adrienne has my vote!!
Chloe has my vote! For both form and time!
Did you mean to say Jeannie Landis was the winner?
Chloe – very entertaining and also impressiv
Jeannie my cookie baker what great muscles you have..great form…would make a man cry! Way to go girl!
Jeannie deserves it. The females showed everyone whats up!
Chloe get’s my vote 🙂 Well done!