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Stop. Did you hear that? It is the sound of your daughter laughing.

Stop. Did you see that? It is your son showing you his new dance moves.

Stop. Did you feel that? The passion your wife has for your family and the goals she has set for herself.

WAKE UP, you’re missing it. You’re missing everything!

I hate to be the one to tell you this but you’re not going to be around forever and there are things that are RIGHT in front of you everyday that are really important.  They could be the difference between you really living or you living with regret the rest of your life.

Your non-stop, relentless work schedule is robbing you of your real life.  The very life you’re working so hard to create for you and your family.  It is causing your life to fly by and you’re not even noticing.  

The worst part of getting old is that it takes the wisdom that comes with age to understand what life is really about.  As a young man or woman, your life seems endless and your opportunities seem unlimited.  But the “I can always do it tomorrow” turns into never getting it done and the hopes and dreams that you once had, turn into distant memories.

Your work schedule has caused you to miss your kids’ plays, football games and the other really important moments over the last several years.

But it is not TOO late.

Stop and watch your daughter laugh.

Stop and see your son dance.

Stop and ask your wife what she is passionate about and tell her how you are going to help her live her passion.  

There is no tomorrow and it is NEVER too late to STOP and look at the world and the small things in life as a child would, seeing it for the first time.  

Live your life, live your passion, but don’t miss the small moments that make it all worth while.

By on December 14th, 2011


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Proud Dad. Ambassador of Kindness. Champion Hugger. Aspiring Daoist. Strength Coach. Entrepreneur. Author.

Comments (5)

  1. Posted by - Justin Bosley on December 14, 2011

    I just got totally reemed out the other day for working too much. I work for my school as a strength coach I’m starting my own business too. What I don’t get is how do you actually find balance man? I just keep hustlin.

  2. Posted by - Todd on December 14, 2011

    It’s tough…I’m 43 and feel guilty all the time. I’m doing better since I’m consciously trying to do better but you have to make yourself plan time and then do it. Not easy if you’re in the habit of rolling along, though.

  3. Posted by - David Claiborne on December 16, 2011

    Great post and everyone needs to relax and look around more.

    @Justin – there is nothing wrong with always hustlin to achieve goals and check things off your list. There is something wrong with hustlin just to hustle so you feel productive.

    Once you accomplish something, don’t rush right into the next project or idea. Take a few minutes, a few hours, or even a few days to enjoy what you just accomplished and recharge before attacking your next challenge.

  4. Posted by - Justin Bosley on December 17, 2011

    Never looked at it like that man. Thanks for the insight. I Think I’m gonna do that.

  5. Posted by - Eric Martin on December 19, 2011

    Thank You!! I live in California and people are overworked and never find time for the better things in life, spending time with the fam, etc. I am fortunate to have a job that allows me to get off at 3, be home by 4, and spend as much time with the wife and kids as possible. I used to work in sports performance(low paying night job), and in the mornings I would have to do personal training just to make ends meet. Between these two jobs I was working 6am-8pm and never saw my daughter or wife. I got into a different, higher paying, better hours job and that has been the best change for me with regards to personal time.

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