Becoming Ronin Podcast – #2 – The Ronin Game, Personal Accountability, Madness in Excellence
What does the student do when they feel discouraged? They go out and encourage others. This is the true intent of the Ronin game and giving of yourself to ease the suffering of others. Learn how personal accountability will completely change how you look at life. Specifically, when you don’t see your role in a situation, you can never see things from someone else’s perspective. OB reveals his “Decision Making Matrix,” that he uses to guide his life decisions. Finally, to achieve absolute greatness in your life, you must forego all else and jump into the abyss.
[0:00] INTRO
[2:07] Rapid Fire Questions for Smitty
[4:48] What is The Ronin Game and Random Acts of Kindness
[15:05] Madness in Excellence
[18:00] Reflecting on Your Personal Accountability
[22:20] Accepting Criticism and Developing a Sense of SELF
[26:00] The Importance of Self-Forgiveness
[28:21] The Biggest Problem That Plagues Trainers
[32:35] A Better Approach to Injury
[42:10] The Importance of Unloaded Movements in Training
[43:00] Common Problems with Mobility Exercises
[44:07] Use This Decision Making Matrix to Make Tough Decisions Seem Easy
[53:45] The Rules of the Ronin Game

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Smitty & OB
Ronin Game 1/18/22: 2 points-said Good Morning to woman folding towels at club, said Hi to maintenance man at club; two points -picked up towels in shower area of club, as well as locker room area; 3 points- picked up yoga mats in 3 different areas of club and returned to proper area; 3 points – picked up and returned equipment attachments for various machines to their proper area; 2 points – unracked squat rack and hack rack machine.
Awesome job, Brad! Proud of you.
“When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.” Viktor Frankl