Becoming Ronin Podcast – #29 – Dr. Wayne Dyer – My Greatest Teacher
This week’s episode kicks off with a Smitty and OB answering listener submitted Q&A’s. Smitty and OB exchange questions from Instagram and give their thoughts sled dragging, reverse hypers, how to build muscle, and much more. Lastly, Smitty dives into one of his favorite stories that closely represents his journey in overcoming resentment. He tells the story of Wayne Dyer’s, ‘My Greatest Teacher.’ This amazing journey provides so many insights into how you can overcome your past, let go of resentment, and finally live without boundaries.
[0:00] Intro
[3:00] “Giant Sets” for Hypertrophy
[6:10] Programming sled drags on Deadlift Day
[9:10] Building Calves by Changing Toe Angle
[10:30] Best Sled to Buy
[11:49] Best Bang for Buck Exercises
[14:23] My Greatest Teacher
[17:56] How “Phase Shifts” Change Your Path
[29:30] The Only Two Reasons for Resentment
[37:00] How to Overcome Resentment

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Smitty & OB