Show and Go Training – My Review
Show and Go Training
50% OFF – Only 3 Days Left
I recently had a chance to go through the new fitness program from Eric Cressey called Show and Go Training. Now, as many of you know, Eric and I have been friends for many years. But that does not mean I am going to give him a free pass. Because Eric is known all over the world as a premier strength coach, I believe his programs are subject to intense scrutiny – and I went through it from cover to cover. I am going tell you all about what is in the program…
But first, a couple of important notes
1. Show and Go is on sale right now for 50% OFF
2. Eric is offering 5 really cool bonuses with the program:
1. Five Fantastic Finishers – Tony Gentilcore
2. The Top Five Glute Exercises – Bret Contreras
3. Innovative Soft Tissue Strategies for Health and Performance (videos included) – Chris Howard
4. The Show and Go Quick Exercise Reference Guide – Eric Cressey (this is a collection of links directly to every exercise in the program so that people can quickly refer to it when they’re at the gym and using an iPhone or Blackberry to get an exercise technique refresher).
5. 2x/week Show and Go Training Programs for all four phases (as I mentioned, perfect for in-season athletes and endurance athletes).
3. I am ALSO offering a BIG bonus if you order his program through my link (just email me your receipt to info [at] – see below
Now, for the Review
Here is what I liked about the program and some FAQ’s:
1. Smitty, why would you recommend Show and Go if you have already created Accelerated Musculature Development?
Here is the bottom line – It is true I consider AMD one of the best muscle building, strength training programs on the NET. But you must realize that every program works up until a certain point, and then it is time for a change. Your training is an ever-changing, always adapting process. Modifying training variables in only one concept, changing the program to something else is another. I recommend other programs that I have tried and I know work. AMD might be right for some, and for others, they would prefer another program. It is my job to give everyone who comes to my site, the best chance of success. That is why I’m recommending Eric’s new program. And what you’ll notice when you purchase it, is that good programs share a lot of similarities. Many of the concepts in AMD, you’ll also find in Show and Go.
2. I Need Something Simple That Works!
A definite “YES” on this one. Show and Go is structured and driven by templates. I love this because they are so simple to follow!
3. I Don’t Have 4 Days to Work Out, Can I Still Do the Program?
Eric has taken care of that by providing a 3 Day a Week and a 4 Day a Week option for each of the 4 phases.
4. My Nutrition Sucks, Is This Only a Strength Program?
Premier nutritionist Brian St. Pierre contributed a nutrition resource for the program. Nutrition is critical for your ultimate success and when you have the nutrition and the strength program, you have a complete system.
5. Is This Just a Bunch of Workouts?
Here is where I’m going to go back to the comparison I made about all good programs having similarities. As we have discussed many times over the years, your program needs a mobility component, a soft-tissue component and an activation component. This is to prepare you for the demands of the workout AND for the recovery between training sessions. Show and Go makes this a priority and every training session is preceded with movement prep, warm-up and soft-tissue preparation.
6. What is Your Bonus If I Buy Eric’s Program from Your Link?
Because I believe so much in Eric’s program, I am offering a VERY limited bonus that no one has ever seen. I filmed 3-wave pre-bench press warm-up routine for Joey Smith, a elite powerlifter and a member of the Elitefts Q/A staff, that he used to help him hit an 800lb bench press (this was a PR) in his last meet. This powerful video has never been released (only to Joey) and I plan to sell it in the future. If you purchase Eric’s program with my link and send me the receipt (email to info [at], you will get to see this video for FREE. Watch it over and over and print out the step-by-step instructions and take it with you to the gym. Trust me, it is sick. It has some soft-tissue techniques no one has ever seen. The flow of the 3-wave approach will leave you feeling amazing!
7. Bottom Line, is This a Good Program?
You will not find a better, more comprehensive, simpler-to-use program for this ridiculous price. Trust me, I seen them all over the years. Many of the programs you see out there with all of the hype and marketing, are just that – hype and marketing. This is the real deal and it is so easy to follow. If you want to get in on it at the discount price, get all of the bonuses Eric is offering AND get my bonus, I would take action now.
8. I Want to Learn More About Eric and See What Type of Coach He Is!
Check out this killer FREE webinar he just posted.
By Smitty on October 26th, 2011
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I just picked up Eric’s Show and Go. I agree. It’s really good. I’m going to use Eric’s program along with some elements from AMD and Cosgrove’s “Lifting for Abs”.
I’ve got a trashed back. Your “Essential Hip Mobility” drills and Alwyn’s core training approach have been keeping me pain-free and in the game. I’d give both of you deity status if I could.
That said, Eric’s program looks like a solid way to gain balanced strength and mobility. Thanks for your review.
I purchased Show & Go about a year ago. Loved it! Set p.b.’s. Maybe more importantly, felt very flexible and energized. Nutrition stuff from Brian invaluable too. Balanced and solid stuff all around.
I am looking about getting, Show and Go but not sure if it fits well for someone doing their first triathlon later this summer, any suggestions. Keep in mind I do need to take off more weight, increase flexibility and solve a few muscle imbalances. let me know if you think this program or another might be better?