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The Dad’s Creed

Because I had a pretty tough time growing up, the older I get, the more reflective I am of my life.

Most things I had to learn the hard way, and becoming a Dad was no different.

I had this list in my head for a while and wanted to share it with you.  The hope is that those who are struggling, might find something to help get through the tough times.

The Dad’s Creed

1. I will always be here for you

2. I will be strong with you, because life is tough

3. I will really listen to you, because you deserve my absolute attention

4. I won’t forget all the little things you’ve ever done

5. I will constantly think about how I can make you a better person

6. I will instill in you the need to make someone else feel special everyday

7. I will show you how to be physical and mentally fit

8. I won’t give you everything you want, I will give you everything you need (and some things that you want 🙂 )

9. I will love you unconditionally

7. I will prove to you everything I say through my actions

8. I will promise you that hard work pays off

9. I won’t let you fly until you’re ready

10. I will make you see your potential

11. I will keep you safe

11. I will not be perfect, but I’ll keep trying

12. I will never forget that time when you walked away, then turned around and smiled

13. I will make you feel important

14. I will pick you up when you fall

15. I will remember your smile when things get tough

16. I will try to live the life I want for you, so you can be inspired to live your life to the fullest

17. I will continue to be amazed by how smart you’re getting, but will remind you to slow down sometimes

18.  I will teach you not to focus on what your friends have, but how to take care of what you have, because other have much less than you

19. I will try to make you laugh, when that is the last thing on your mind

2o.  I hope you never learn that I can be overpowered by these 4 simple words, “Daddy, I love you.”

By on September 16th, 2011


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Proud Dad. Ambassador of Kindness. Champion Hugger. Aspiring Daoist. Strength Coach. Entrepreneur. Author.

Comments (10)

  1. Posted by - CornerstoneDad on September 17, 2011

    Superb post Jim, I really enjoyed reading it.

    As a dad of 5 who just got back a clean “bill-of-health”, it reminded me again what all this lifting and exercising is really for: to be healthy as I can be and hopefully live to see my children make a positive impact on society. As I get older I find that much more motivating than filling out my shirts or seeing my abs.

    Thanks for sharing that!

  2. Posted by - Neal on September 17, 2011

    Dude, that is powerful! As a daddy to one 17 month old little girl, I will do anything so that she has everything that she needs.

  3. Posted by - Wade on September 17, 2011

    20 solid points Smitty.

    We have to dig deep on those days when the children cry at the same time. Whether you have one, two, three or more it truly does take someone to be a special Dad.

    I appreciate all your hard work and thank you and your family for your dedication to the fitness industry. Since I have found your site and read your posts I do a lot of reflecting as well.

    Thanks for keeping your dieselsc community strong even though times seem hard.


  4. Posted by - Costa on September 18, 2011

    As father to two beautiful little girls, I teared up reading your list as I fully relate to your entire list. These little humans mean more to me than anything. They make you realize that all you do is for them. They truly possess the power to make you feel true good in you. They are life. As always you bring great content, in all aspects.
    God bless you my man.

  5. Posted by - Derek on September 18, 2011

    Great list. It goes along with something I read. I cant remember who wrote it but it goes something like this. “Anyone can raise a good kid I want to raise a great adult” I tell both my kids that quote guides all of our actions. Thanks again for the inspiration.

  6. Posted by - Bob Russin on September 19, 2011


    Your posts are always the best.



  7. Posted by - Eli on September 26, 2011

    Great list. Just wanted to add something (which I picked up from Dr. Larry Koenig): When your child is learning how to walk, and he takes a step and then falls, then takes two steps and falls, then takes a step and lands on his bottom again, do you say “Hey — that’s not the right way to walk — you’re doing it all wrong — why can’t you do this the right way?!?” or do you beam with pride and say “Wow, you’re the best! Keep it up, and one day you’ll be walking everywhere!”. Of course, when our kids are learning how to walk, we always pick option (b), encouraging instead of discouraging, picking up instead of putting down. Somehow, for many of us, when our kids just just a bit older, we start criticizing instead of just being proud etc etc. What makes us think that the negative will work, when our first instinct, when our child was learning how to crawl or walk, was to just encourage and be positive….. It’s real food for thought, and something I try to remind myself when my kids need encouragement and positivity…..

    Jim, I didn’t know that you went through a tough time growing up —-reflecting on stuff like your list (or stuff that Dr. Koenig has put out) helps to keep people from perhaps repeating some of the stuff they went through…

  8. Posted by - Chris Melton on September 27, 2011

    I came here to learn about physical stuff…you know, iron and lifting. This post stopped me in my tracks. Your list is outstanding…I just printed it off for each of my daughters and will place it on their pillows so they can find it later tonight.

    Thanks for a great reminder of the truly important things in life 🙂

  9. Posted by - Donna Mille on September 28, 2011

    Beautiful nurturing for the minds of your Children. Also,including Nurturing for the Body and Spirit, brings all three into harmony!

  10. Posted by - Bengal5651 on April 11, 2012


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