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2 Quick and Effective Warm-ups

Medicine Ball Warm Up

Remember, the super fast warm-up yesterday? (You will use these before your workouts to feel better, move better, and crush from the very first rep)

Diesel Super Fast Upper Warm-up
1. Cable Tricep Extensions: 20 reps
2. Lat Stretch (both sides): 1min each side
3. Seating Cable Rows (light): 20 reps
4. Foam Rolling Pec, Lats, Triceps: 1-2min
* Repeat until you hit 100 repswith the tricep extensions andseated rows.

Try this one out we did last night!

Diesel Super Fast Upper Warm-up 2
1. Incline Push-ups in Rack: 20 reps
2. Band Dislocates: 5 super slow reps
3. Face Pulls (light): 20 reps
4. Med Ball Rolling Pec, Lats, Triceps: 1-2min
* Repeat until you hit 100 reps with the push-ups and face pulls. Every time you hit the push-ups, switch your grip (narrow, shoulder-width, wide, underhand).

We’ve been using these warm-ups because they are simple (easy to count reps), fast (only the exercises YOU need to open up the tight areas and activate the right muscle groups), and effective (no more only feeling good when you’re 3-4 sets into the main lift).

Please let me know how you like the warm-ups, hit me on Twitter. HERE

Today, I’m heading down to NJ to film a new DVD with Joe D. and it might actually turn out to be our most popular. More details coming, but you can bet that our ONLY focus is on making you better and helping you have some of the best workouts of your life.

The message for this weekend for Team Diesel is thoughtfulness.

“Students, when you want to say something,think about it three times before you say it. Speak only if your words will benefit yourselves and others. Do not speak if it brings no benefit.” Dogen

You’ve heard people say, ‘If you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say anything at all.’

Well, there is truth to that.

In my recent podcast with Joe D. I talked about how anger can change you – change who you are and how you feel about yourself.

If you ever truly want peace, the anger you feel towards others, things, and experiences must be breathed out with the understanding and acceptance that these experiences happened to you, but they don’t define you.

Breathe in the beauty of life and breathe out the things (anger, hate, jealousy) that aren’t you.



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By on June 15th, 2015


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Proud Dad. Ambassador of Kindness. Champion Hugger. Aspiring Daoist. Strength Coach. Entrepreneur. Author.

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