3rd Annual SB911 Transformation Contest
The 3rd Annual SB911 Transformation Contest is back and it’s bigger than EVER! Every single year the transformation contest grows and we can’t believe how many lifters, coaches, and trainers take the challenge to change their lives, improve their health, and get into the best shape they’ve ever been in year after year!
The program used to be only reserved for members of our exclusive DeFranco Insider community but it is now available to YOU – and you could be getting paid to train and get into shape!
Important Contest Details
Contest Duration: 6/5/17 – 9/3/2017 (12am EST midnight deadline)
How to Enter:
1. Purchase the SB911 program – Click HERE
2. Send your front, side, and back “BEFORE” pics to helpdesk [at] dieselsc [dot] com between 6/5/17 and 6/11/17. For the email, use SUBJECT LINE, “SB911 Transformation Contest Before Pics – YOUR NAME”
Important Note about taking your BEFORE and AFTER pictures – Make sure your photos as clear as possible. Take the pictures with a HIGH-RES camera and in GOOD LIGHTING. Some previous transformations were amazing and could have been the grand prize winner, but lost due to the fact they were “shitty photos.”
3. Train like a mad man and dial in your nutrition for the 11-week SB911 program.
4. Send your front, side, and back “AFTER” pics to helpdesk [at] dieselsc [dot] com before September 3, 2017 (at 12am EST midnight). For the email, use SUBJECT LINE, “SB911 Transformation Contest After Pics – YOUR NAME” – Again, please make sure you use a good resolution camera and good lighting for your AFTER pictures.
5. Submit your SB911 Transformation Contest Essay (see SB911 essay details at the bottom of this article) before September 3, 2017 (at 12am EST midnight). This MUST be included in the email with your SB911 “After” pics – see #4 above.
6. Follow other contestants, ask questions, and post your progress pics throughout your journey by using the hashtag #SB911 on all social media!
7. Time to get to work!
The Program That Really Works!
Find out why thousands of lifters, coaches, and trainers from all over the world have been using SB911 for over 3 years now to achieve unbelievable results in the gym. Building more muscle, getting stronger, and having a program that YOU help to design (Choose Your Own Adventure by picking your favorite exercises!) are exactly the reasons why the Strong Bastard 911 program is unlike any program you have ever tried.
See what Jared said after he completed his first run of SB911,
“I Have a Six Pack Now!”
“I wasn’t in great shape after hurting my shoulder but I’m in the best shape of my life now with the help of SB911 – I have a six pack now!”
Or what about Billy:
“Hit a 20lb Squat PR While Losing 6lbs”
“I don’t typically post about my workouts but I want to give credit publicly to Joe DeFranco and Smitty for creating such a great program in Strong Bastard 911. This morning I managed to hit a 20lb squat PR while losing 6lbs over the last 11 weeks.”
The Workout You’ve Been Waiting For!
And now, you can finally get the results in the gym you’ve been struggling to get with the most effective workouts you’ve ever done! The SB911 program is simple, easy-to-follow, and PROVEN to work!
The Time is NOW!
The 3rd Annual SB911 Transformation Contest starts on June 5th, 2017 and runs for the next 13 weeks!
All you have to do is grab your copy today, print out the program, take your before pics, and get your butt into the gym!
It is that simple.
If you’ve been looking for that extra push to get into the best shape of your life and you are done with excuses, this is the perfect opportunity to really make a big change in your physique.
http://www.strongbastard911.com <--- Grab Your Copy Now
Check Out These Prizes!
To make the 2017 SB911 Transformation contest bigger than last year, we brought in new sponsors and jacked up the 1st place prize money!
Here are the top prize packages for each category in the transformation contest:
2017 SB911 Transformation Contest – Build Muscle Category
[Skinny Guy / Girl Adding Muscle]
– $1000 prize money
– Custom DeFranco STRONG Fat Gripz
– Featured on DeFranco’s Gym & Diesel Strength Social Media
– More Prizes TBD
2017 SB911 Transformation Contest – Fat Loss Category
[Guy / Girl Losing Fat and Adding Muscle]
– $1000 prize money
– Custom DeFranco STRONG Fat Gripz
– Featured on DeFranco’s Gym & Diesel Strength Social Media
– More Prizes TBD
2017 SB911 Transformation Contest – Advanced Category
[Jacked Guy / Girl Getting More Jacked!]
– $1000 prize money
– Custom DeFranco STRONG Fat Gripz
– Featured on DeFranco’s Gym & Diesel Strength Social Media
– More Prizes TBD
* The 2017 SB911 GRAND CHAMPION will receive an additional $500 cash prize.
What Do I Do Next?
To be entered into the SB911 Transformation Contest this year, here are the steps you need to follow:
Step 1: Grab your copy of SB911 now – Click HERE
Step 2: Print out the SB911 Main Manual and SB911 Workout Sheets.
Step 3: Take your front, side, and back BEFORE pics to helpdesk [at] dieselsc [dot] com and send them in before June 11, 2017.
Step 4: Remember Important Dates: Start Date: June 5th, 2017 | End Date: September 3rd, 2017 (12am midnight deadline)
Step 5: Follow other contestants, ask questions or post progress pics throughout your journey by using the hashtag #SB911 on all social media!
Step 6: Get to work!
“I Feel the Best I Ever Have!”
“I’m on to Week 10 of SB911 and I can’t tell you enough how fantastic the programme is. I’m 42 now and I feel the best I ever have!” – David
Want to feel amazing like David and be entered for a chance to win some pretty sick prizes?
Grab your copy of SB911 and let’s get started!
http://www.strongbastard911.com <--- Grab Your Copy Now Train hard! Smitty
FAQ #1: Do I need to purchase SB911 again if I bought it already before the contest started?”
ANSWER: No, you’re all set to enter the contest!
FAQ #2: How long are the workouts?
ANSWER: The workouts typically last 1 hr to 1 hr 15 min depending on your pacing and rest periods.
FAQ #3: I’ve entered the SB911 contest before, can I enter again?
ANSWER: Of course! Let’s go!
SB911 Essay Details
Here’s a list of questions that would be good to answer in your essay. These aren’t mandatory but they will give you some structure when you write your final essay:
– Describe what your workouts and daily routines were like before joining the SB911 contest?
– What type of workouts and programs did you try before SB911 and what were your results?
– Why were the SB911 workouts different and what did you like best about the program?
– How has your training and mindset changed since finishing the SB911 contest?
– Would you recommend the SB911 program to a friend or other lifters?

By Smitty on May 19th, 2017
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