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Climbing the Hill

The time is upon us.

There is no more BS, no more hesitation, and no more “I’ll do it tomorrow.”

This weekend is the Sealfit challenge.

This is the challenge I have been training for over the past 6 months of my life.

All of the running with ruck, all of the push-ups, all of the pull-ups, all of the training…

Comes down to Saturday morning at 6am.

Why am I doing Sealfit?

– to be an example for my kids

– to prove something to myself

– to inspire you to do something great in your life and not back down when life throws you challenges

All of these apply.  But they are my reasons.  They are my ‘why.’  What drives you?  What is your why?  Have you written these down and looked at them every morning when you wake up?  You need to define your why and really be honest with yourself.  Because if you don’t know your why, you will quit when things get tough.

Here is my mindset going in:

1.  It will be tough, I will not quit

2.  I can’t do it alone, I must use my team

3.  I have prepared, now it is time to take action

Wait a minute… reread those 3 again.

It seems like these are the exact same things EVERYONE should do to be successful in their every day.  In fact, if you always do these 3 things, you will be able to accomplish anything.

Let me rephrase them:

Life is tough, you have to be tougher.  Quit feeling sorry for yourself and start kicking a**.  I don’t care what the obstacle is, smash through it and keep going.  Losers stop in their tracks when it gets tough and never achieve greatness.  Be a winner and scream at the top of your lungs that you’re tired of letting fear control your life.

I am not alone, I have family, friends, and those that support me.  And if I don’t have those people in my life, I will go out be that person for someone else.  Then everything will change.If you are discouraged and alone, then encourage others and be their hope.  Then your life will turn around.

I work consistently toward my goals and I take every opportunity.  If there isn’t an opportunity, I will make it.  I didn’t get a call back on that interview, I call them and follow up.  I don’t leave anything to chance.  I own my life and I will take action to ensure I am successful.  I do NOT blame others.  I make it happen!

It is how we tackle life’s obstacles that will determine what kind of life we actually have.

Climbing the Hill

Everyone has hills in their life that they have to climb.  The hill can crush you.  It can take your breath away.  And it can keep you away from important things like…

– Your family

– Your success

– Living a fulfilled life

The hills in your life are meant to define you.  All you have to do is be willing to push through and get to the top.  Not part way, not half way, all the way up. 

Stop making excuses and start doing the hard work. 

Let’s go!



By on September 14th, 2012


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Proud Dad. Ambassador of Kindness. Champion Hugger. Aspiring Daoist. Strength Coach. Entrepreneur. Author.

Comments (6)

  1. Posted by - Conor on September 14, 2012

    Good luck tomorrow Smitty. Lots of people rootin’ for you. You are a true inspiration.

  2. Posted by - Mario on September 14, 2012

    Never give up bro. Good luck!

  3. Posted by - YO on September 14, 2012


  4. Posted by - Janila on September 15, 2012

    Good luck, Smitty! I am cheering you on!! You are the man!

  5. Posted by - Beverly on September 15, 2012

    Tell us all about it! I’ve wanted to do Sealfit. . .

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