How to Deadlift Correctly – Learn to Deadlift from the Top-Down
The next video in the “How to Series” for building strength, power, and muscle mass teaches the deadlift setup through a top-down training approach. This coaching model forces the athlete to ‘earn the right’ to pull off the floor and ingrains proper positions, bracing, and technique through a very simple progression.
Here is the quick deadlift progression model in the video:
1. Start pulling from a high box or 2-20kg bumpers and progressively work down to the floor
2. Focus on position, tension, and loading into the movement with hip hinge
3. Engage of full lockout by actively engaging the quads, glutes, and lats
Additional Reference:
Awesome Workout Tips – – Simple Deadlift Progression
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By Smitty on February 14th, 2014
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