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I Have Fear

I have fear.

I’m not going to lie.

I’ve been challenged in my life and I have been afraid.  I’m not going to tell you that I’m always a positive person or that I exude confidence all of the time.  When there are big decisions to be made or there is a challenge, I have a tendency to over-think the situation.  Fear creeps in and I get scared.

Scared that I will make the wrong decision or even scared that I won’t be strong enough to stick with the decision that I do make.

Fear sucks.

But with every decision there is a choice.  To let fear make the decision for me or for me to take a stand and make the decision like a man, and follow through with the choice.

The funny thing about life is that it doesn’t matter what my decision is or how scared I am, the sun will always rise the next day.

Life always continues moving forward and time never stops.

Which is why even though I was afraid, I couldn’t let fear keep me from actually taking action.   If I hesitated, I might not have ever:

– gotten married

– bought a house

– had kids

– written for Arnold Schwarzenegger

– written for every major fitness publication

– co-authored best selling fitness DVD’s

– the list goes on and on…

Fear is a Liar

One powerful lesson I learned the hard way is that the times when I thought I had to make these decisions alone, I didn’t.  I didn’t have to fight the fear by myself.  I should have reached out to the people who were my biggest fans.  You know, the ones who believed in me more than I believed in myself?

That is a big life lesson, so please take notes.

When people believe in you, you can do great things.  And when you do the first great thing, you feel like you can do another…and another.

You become powerful and finally take your life back.

You gain momentum and before you know it, you’re chasing that feeling of awesome everyday.

Fear is a liar and it will kill your dreams if you’re not careful.   But if you trick fear, and make the tough decisions anyway, you will win.  And winning is much sweeter if you have your family and friends by your side, cheering you on.



By on July 28th, 2012


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Proud Dad. Ambassador of Kindness. Champion Hugger. Aspiring Daoist. Strength Coach. Entrepreneur. Author.

Comments (10)

  1. Posted by - King Hoover on July 28, 2012

    Thanks for sharing the depths of your life to put this into words for the rest of us. You have truly made a positive and powerful difference through the articles, videos and coaching you offer so freely- this is one of those posts that most people should print out and put up around their work and home. Its just that is is so much better than the ones that often get that honor.

    Thanks again for all you do.


    • Posted by - Smitty on July 29, 2012

      Thanks so much King. You are a good friend.

  2. Posted by - Deborah Flowers on July 28, 2012

    Hey Smitty,
    I have fear too…
    But I do it anyway.

    Have a great weekend,

    • Posted by - Smitty on July 29, 2012

      Awesome Deborah. Thanks for reading.

  3. Posted by - Jimbosr12 on July 28, 2012

    Thanks for sharing. I face fear every day as well and have kearned ti face much of it but we can akways improve. However, at work manage a number of young kids right out of college who are being confronted with new challenges and resulting fears every day and I often watch them struggle to manage this. I will absolutely be sharing this article with them.

    • Posted by - Smitty on July 29, 2012

      Thanks Jimbo.

  4. Posted by - Frank DiMeo on July 29, 2012

    Truth well-spoken

    • Posted by - Smitty on July 29, 2012

      Thanks Frank.

  5. Posted by - Troy Pesola on July 29, 2012

    Smitty, Excellent article. The timing was perfect. I was wrestling with a decision … then I read your post. FEAR was convincing me not to respond.

    I’ve started pulling together videos reviewing/coaching kettlebell form, called Kettlebell Form Check. They’ve been great. So now I’m pulling one together for someone I see as a mentor – feels odd to switch the tables, but … I’m facing the fear and going for it.

    Thanks man, I needed to read this article.

    • Posted by - Smitty on July 30, 2012

      Of course brother. Glad it helped.

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