Squat Warm-up with 3D SMR on Hip
As part of being an older lifter, I’m always looking for ways or trying to invent ways to move and perform better. This means that before getting under the bar, it is so important to warm-up thoroughly. And I’m not talking about just warming up the lower body for squats or getting the upper body prepared to bench press – EVERYTHING I do in the gym requires a full body warm-up.
Lately, I’ve been experimenting with some new SMR strategies. Most coaches, lifters, and athletes stick to the basics with the foam roller, but if you really want to get creative, there are so many other ‘tools’ you can use to get the job done.
For me, I love using a med ball.
Using a med ball for your pre-training self-myofascial massage can allow you to use more flowing movements to target a more 3-dimensional approach on the typically ‘tight’ areas. (Hips like Frankenstein due to sitting all day at the computer and lounging all night on the couch)
Here is a video showing one of the quick strategies I’ve been using to quickly transition from the lateral aspect of the hip, across the quad and hip flexor, and finally, smashing the adductors.
3D SMR on Hip
To address some lingering knee issues from wrestling in high school, I’ve starting working good mornings (and other hip dominant exericses) back into my program to compliment more unilateral lower body volume.
Good Mornings
Here are just a few exercises I’ve been programming into my workouts.
Hip Dominant Posterior Chain Exercises
- Good mornings
- KB Swings
- Pull Throughs
- RDL’s
- Deads off Blocks
Unilateral Exercises
- Step-ups
- Hill Walking / Running
- Stadium Step Lunges (Up the steps)
- TKE’s
- Static Split Squats
Try out this flowing SMR med ball drill on your hips and let me know in the comments how your training session went!
PS. If you’re looking to get stronger with the bench press, squat, and deadlift and need help dialing in your technique, the Strength System is exactly what you’ve been waiting for!
By Smitty on May 19th, 2015
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