Interview with the Thinker – Part 1 and Part 2
By Smitty on July 8th, 2011
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I have a quick question related to this interview. Awesome info btw. Would love to see the whole interview.
So latel I have been pondering this idea with athletes, and since I don’t have any athletes at the moment I can’t test it, so I was wondering what you think. One of the mantras of Scott Sonnon is that everyone will get tired, and what separates good athletes from everyone else is how well/quickly they recover and think while tired. What I want to do is to make fash cards or other ‘obstacles’ that require the athletes to think or perform while pre exhausted from a complex or exercise.
For example having a football line man tell me what his blocking assignment is when I hold up a flash card of a play from his playbook.
like I said, I do not have any athletes working with me currently and am wondering if you do anything similar and what your experiences have been.