Pre-Squat Hip Warm-Up
Here is a simple pre-squat hip warm-up to work on hip internal rotation prior to hitting a squat movement pattern. It will allow your athletes to squat deeper without restriction. This can be done before you even get off the foam roller and start moving around. Remember, warm-ups should progress slowly from ground-based to standing and increase in movement complexity as you begin to move into your workout.
Here I’m hitting a hip IR stretch with my head still on the foam roller and trying to feel the stretch from the hip up into the same side lat – as I reach overhead. While the hip I’m stretching should try to stay on the floor, you’ll see as I move deeper into the stretch that hip comes off the ground. I’m not so worried about that because I’m not trying to reach a degree or measured degree of hip IR, I’m just moving into internal rotation and trying to get deeper.
Every warm-up we do in the CPPS Coaching Certification warm-up protocol follows this sequence – OPEN -> ANCHOR -> PATTERN. And you can see that I perform an active hip IR drill that also uses the foam roller. I actively drive my knees into the foam roller and try to create as much distance between my ankles as possible without dropping the foam roller. You’ll love this activation drill because you will feel it deep into the hip. A med ball is also a great substitute for the foam roller with this exercise.
By Smitty on April 27th, 2020
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