Random Thoughts – Bad Kettlebell Technique, Use It or Lose It, Perfect Programs, Creatine
I’ve been reading some really popular blogs lately and love how they do their “random thoughts” posts. This allows them to get out a ton of cool content, without having to focus on only one topic. I am going to try it out and see if you guys like it.
Make sure you leave a comment below and let me know if I should continue doing these.
Best Kettlebell Technique Ever?
As you can see in this video, the person instructing has absolutely no idea how to use a kettlebell. I don’t want to be mean, but I doubt she knows much about fitness either. What you can take away from this video is, always consult a certified kettlebell instructor when you start using them and never start a video like a cracked out cheerleader.
Use It or Lose It
After spending some quality time with Steve Maxwell this weekend I can tell you one thing, the guy is legit. Coming up on 60 years young, Steve is one of the strongest, most mobile guys I have ever seen. He was demo’ing goblet squats with a 100lb dumbbell and he hit kettlebell work with a 70lb like it was nothing. I loved spending time with Steve and I think he was able to take away a bunch of new ideas for his training as well.
Steve started talking about aging and all of the stuff that goes away quickly if you don’t make it a priority in your training. “Use It or Lose It” was his motto and something that he wanted to make sure we all understood. He talked about the elasticity of our muscles / tendons and mobility. These things are so important as we get older because these qualities deteriorate rapidly after the age 40.
If you are into fitness and train regularly, don’t neglect your warm-up and mobility work. Also, jumping skills like hops, skips, jumping rope, bounds and others should be done regularly (while paying special attention to volume and what surface you are training on). I prefer to do jumping onto a wrestling mat or gymnastics floor. For elevated box jumps, the surface is not an issue.
Don’t wind up like this:
Perfect Programs
I’ve said this many times, but many people still don’t get it. There is no perfect program. There is only smart training and programming. If you are smart with your training you can make adjustments to suit your individual needs; more flexibility work, more mobility work, more strength training, more dynamic training, and so on… I get emails every day asking about this program and that program. I always recommend my AMD 2.0 system because it not only provides you with 2-12 week programs, but it teaches you how to make smart choices with your workouts and how to design your own programs. Cookie-cutter programs in the magazines are typically missing essential components and don’t address your specific needs.
The Secret Benefits of Creatine Revealed
Here is an awesome article from my friend Mike Roussell about the benefits of creatine. Steve mentioned creatine and it’s benefits this past weekend and it was a coincidence that I saw this article today. Creatine is one of the most researched supplements in recent history and has been proven very effective at improving recovery and muscle retention.
Make sure you leave a comment below and let me know if I should continue doing these.
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By Smitty on April 13th, 2011
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That chic is going to hurt herself and anybody who tries to copy her…WTF.
As always..great job man!
These are great man, keep em comin. Love the random assortment of info
Keep on doin’ this man. Throwin some random thoughts is far more, hmmm, chill than only talking about one topic. BTW: this girl with kbs … no comment.
Nice break up of topics. Lots of valuable info you put into your posts.
I was waiting for the bubbly chick to drop one of kettlebells on her head. that’s not to evil of me, is it??
love this, interesting to read and very educating
Love the random thoughts idea, particularly for quick, short info that you can’t really elaborate on. Nice1
Kettlebell woman was just as you described.
I caught Steve’s blog article too and read through the Men’s Health post. It really ties it all together. I actually made a decision to get Creatine and add it to my suppliments based his secrets revealed. I also thought creatine provided a higher statistical gain. Having used it in the past I understand that it helps, but half the time I wonder how much is mind over matter because of the small percent gain. But, it is not very expensive for the benefits it should provide.
Keep it up.
Smitty, Really? Where on earth did you find this ill informed poorly clad person? What ever she was performing, it was all wrong.
No one is that bad. This had to be on purpose. Hoax?