Learning the Hip Hinge – Loading at Two Positions Part Two
Loading at Two Positions
When loading a hip hinge, we have an opportunity to load at two positions on the lever. We know we load at the hips, because we typically use a barbell, dumbbells, or kettlebells to load an RDL. The goal with this movement is to maximize leverage and keep the bar as close as possible to your body, i.e., minimize the distance from the center of mass (COM) of the implement and your own COM. This keeps the movement safe and maximizing your strength potential for the lift.
However, with the hinge, we can also put the lifter at a disadvantage by loading at a distance from the fulcrum (the hips) and increasing the moment arm – in order to secure more tension and better position (neutral (varying) range of the torso. Chains are perfect for this setup because they don’t hinder the movement and they add a little agitation to the system.
Because the chains are pulling the lifter’s head down and forcing them into flexion, the entire system responds (RNT) by securing a good position through the entire range of the movement pattern.
By Smitty on April 27th, 2020
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