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DB Floor Press with Loaded Shoulder Flexion


For this 1-2 combo, you really want to focus on good technique, a full range of motion, and a deliberate tempo. The floor press is done on the Thompson Fat Pad to allow for a little more lower body tension and greater ROM at the shoulders. The eccentric is done to a 5-sec tempo, 1-sec pause at the bottom, and a powerful chest and tricep contraction at lockout.

The second part of the superset is a loaded shoulder flexion drill done after a forceful and full exhale to start the pecs, shoulders, and lats. This will strengthen your upper body and OPEN you up son!

Here’s how to perform the VERY IMPORTANT breathing technique on this drill:


Step 1: Hold loaded dowel rod at lockout (as if you’re benching).
Step 2: Huge breath in through nose or mouth and fully exhale all of the air in your lungs driving your ribs down.
Step 3: As your ribs come down, you should also allow your hips to tuck under (i.e., posterior pelvic tilt).
Step 4: Extend the dowel rod toward the floor without allowing the ribs to “flare upward” toward the ceiling, i.e., once you get your ribs down with the exhale, keep them there!
Step 5: Repeat Steps 1-4.


Step 1: Hold loaded dowel rod at lockout (as if you’re benching).
Step 2: Huge breath in through nose or mouth and fully exhale all of the air in your lungs driving your ribs down.
Step 3: As your ribs come down, you should also allow your hips to tuck under (i.e., posterior pelvic tilt).
Step 4: Extend the dowel rod toward the floor without allowing the ribs to “flare upward” toward the ceiling, i.e., once you get your ribs down with the exhale, keep them there!
Step 5: Once you get your shoulders into the deepest position, repeat steps 2-3. This will allow you to own the flexed position of your shoulders better and give you a deeper stretch.
Step 6: Repeat Steps 1-5.


1A] DB Floor Press (with Pause), 3-4 sets x 5-10 reps
1B] Loaded Dowel Shoulder Flexion (with Forceful and Full Exhale), 3-4 sets x 5 reps

Here is how it looks:

By on February 13th, 2017


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Proud Dad. Ambassador of Kindness. Champion Hugger. Aspiring Daoist. Strength Coach. Entrepreneur. Author.

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