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Crucial Tip for Building Serious Hamstring and Glute Strength



Crucial Tip for Building Serious

Hamstring and Glute Strength

Breaking Your Back Has Never Been Easier!

Earlier this past week we discussed properly performing the hip hinge. This will lay the foundation for learning the Romanian Deadlift.

The Romanian deadlift is a hip dominant movement that looks like a below the knees rack pull. It is a great means for developing serious size and strength of the hamstring and glutes and isometric strength of the spinal erectors. It is also a serious test of core strength, breathing and bracing. They can be done with or without straps, or even made harder by using fat gripz or towels. Most times however, since they should be done with moderate to heavy loads, straps are used to eliminate grip from being a delimiting factor.

How to Perform Romanian Deadlifts

The lifter can take the loaded bar off the rack or deadlift it into position. From this position, the lifter will:
– pull the shoulders back and chest up
– tuck the chin
– set the torso with a diaphragmatic breath and brace outward
– perform a hip hinge, while maintaining a neutral posture
– lower the bar within the limitations of the individual’s mobility / flexibility
– reverse hip hinge with significant glute and hamstring contraction
– lock into straight alignment before repeating pattern / sequencing

The “Why Did My Spine Shoot Out My Back and Slam Against the Back Wall” Mistake

Many uninformed lifters typically make three mistakes:

1.  They don’t brace and set their torso in neutral

2.  They don’t hip hinge back, they just bend over

3.  They let the bar drift away from their legs, i.e., they increase the distance from the center of mass of the bar and their own center of mass.  This equals a big no-no and will mess you up.  Watch the video below for proper cueing.

Fat Gripz


By on August 28th, 2011


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Proud Dad. Ambassador of Kindness. Champion Hugger. Aspiring Daoist. Strength Coach. Entrepreneur. Author.

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